Colorado Order of the Eastern Star Mission and Vision 
Our Mission is to provide a means by which fraternal and community relationships can be encouraged and improved.


Our Vision is to work for the betterment of our community and for each other.  We live our vision by encouraging our members to:

  • Work for the benefit of the community, extending generous support for charitable
  • Respond to the needs of others and give assistance in adversity and support in
    the practicalities of day to day living;
  • Live life enhanced by Fidelity, Constancy, Loyalty, Faith and Love;
  • Enjoy the social activities of the Order and the interaction with each other;
  • Be honest and truthful in dealings with each other.
  • Live a life that is a reflection of the principles taught in the lessons of the Order of the Eastern Star.


Always Better Together
Always Better Together

To live and share the tenets of Eastern Star,

Which is to foster Charity, Truth, and Loving Kindness.

Always Better Together Grand Chapter
The Always Better Together Grand Chapter's mission is to extend the hand of friendship and help our fellow human beings in these troubled times.
WGM Kaeleen and WGP Robert's Always Better Together OES Project/Colorado Freedom Service Dogs
WGM Kaeleen and WGP Robert's Always Better Together OES Project/Colorado Freedom Service Dogs

Colorado Freedom Service Dogs trains dogs for persons with physical disabilities. 

OES Service Dogs
The primary charity of the Order of the Eastern Star - Service Dog programs provide financial assistance to such organizations, aiding their efforts to serve mankind and to allow individuals to achieve independence.

Eastern Star Masonic Retirements
Eastern Star Masonic Retirements
Denver’s premier Independent Living, Assisted Living and Memory Care campus.
Guided by the Masonic family’s principles and values, our assisted living campus is designed to be the premier senior living community in the entire state. Our vision is to consistently deliver high-quality, cost-effective senior care services to our residents and future generations so that they can live their best lives.
General Grand Chapter OES
General Grand Chapter OES
General Grand Chapter Link

Affiliate Bodies