What is Eastern Star?

Grand Chapter Board of Directors 2024-2025


The Board meetings will be posted as soon as schedule is complete

Please contact BOD Secretary if you want to be included in a ZOOM meeting.


 Daniel Brooks, PP(155) 719-330-1442, Chair

1070 Carlson Drive, Colorado Springs 80919


Alene Childs, PM(1) 719-845-0895, Vice Chair

PO Box 812, Trinidad 81082


Joan Briggs, PM(7) 719-429-0063, Secretary

231 Dozier Ave; Pueblo 81212-7703


Patsy Troutner, PM(158) 505-927-9182, Finance/Budget

35 S Stymie Ct; Pagosa Springs 81149


Ken Ashwood, PGP(37) 970-641-0495, Finanace/Budget

222 Crosscut Rd, Gunnison 81230